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July 2025

Netherlands (6 day residential)

more info coming soon

The Forgotten Man is an empowering retreat for men seeking to expand their capacity to hold themselves and the world around them. Through immersive practices and a variety of modalities participants will deepen their capacity of their physical and emotional availability to themselves, their partners and the world around them. We will aim to restore our essence nature by exploring our fears and wounds that hold us back. We will release the weight of the societal expectations and conditionings that keep us from living our deepest purpose. In shared brotherhood, our journey will foster a deep sense of connection, purpose, and empowerment, allowing every man to walk away with a renewed sense of self and the tools to live more fully and courageously. ​

In these 6 days we will…


Balance your inner strength and sensitivity.


Practicing staying in each moment more fully.


Strengthen your capacity to stay with your and others emotions more fully.


Strengthen your nervous system with the help of embodiment practices.


Support your continued journey from boyhood to manhood.


Practice expressing your emotions, boundaries and desires.


Build self awareness.

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The Forgotten Man

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