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Online Group Experiences

You attract what you judge, until you no longer judge what you attract. 

- Matt Kahn - 

Online group energy sessions are a tangible way to explore what it means to build collective energy by individually vibrating at a similar frequency together. As we explore this in unison, we not only heighten our individual experience but also the groups’. It is a circular feedback loop which for many offer the experience to feel that we are all connected at the highest level.


Quantum physics states that everything is energy. The Law of Conservation states that energy can not be created or destroyed, only transferred from one object to another. Knowing all this, the idea of energy traveling or channeling through us to other beings or group of beings who are at a distance, is by no means far fetched. In fact, these laws have long been understood by ancient systems such as Chinese medicine (when referring to Qi) and practices such as Reiki level II.




Sessions begin with 30 minutes of Somagetic breathing - a dynamic, accelerated, in-and-out of the mouth style of breath. This will help activate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic activation is what 'opens the energy gates'. This helps prepare the body for the Ecstatic Experience by moving emotions and stuck or stagnant energies that are being stored in the body. Following the breathwork, we then begin to explore awakening and connecting to our life force, creative or sexual energy using breath, sound and movement. During sessions, I also energetically (consensually) connect with each participant to support their process.


It is important to note that your session will be unique to you. It is my continued experience that one's level of surrender, allowance and energy sensitivity (which can be built over time) is often what frames the experience.

Benefits of joining...


Move stagnant energy or blockages being stored in the body.  


Activate the parasympathetic nervous system & reset the vagus nerve.  

Explore connecting with the collective group energy & see how it can deepen your own experience.


Feel more embodied by slowing down the thinking mind & connecting with areas of the body that feel numb or disconnected.


Potentially reach altered states of consciousness similar to that experienced in plant medicine.  


Feel what it means to allow & surrender to what is.


Awaken your creative, life force or sexual energy.





Next session: TBA

11h PDT, 14h EDT, 20h CET, 04h +1 AEST 

Sessions are approximately 90 minutes.


Please have an area where you can lie down with your phone or computer camera facing you. For safety and transparency, everyone will be asked to keep their video on. 


Price: $25 USD

Accepted currencies: EUR, USD, CAD, AUD

Payments made ahead via PayPal or Venmo (US only). When using PayPal, please send as 'friend or family' to avoid fees. If paying with credit card or from another country not listed below, please add 6%. Once your payment is made, please send a confirmation e-mailIf you do not have a PayPal or Venmo account, please contact me.


Canadian PayPal $30

European PayPal €20

Australian PayPal $30

United States PayPal $25

Note: amounts must be entered manually.

Disclaimer: One must be 18+ to join an online group session or otherwise be accompanied by a guardian. I reserve the right at any time during the call to remove/block participants that have mal intent or behave inappropriately. 

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